Apr 1, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Since Lisa-Jo posted this Friday's topic, Julie Andrews has been singing non-stop in my head. Seriously. It's been slightly annoying, especially since the things on Julie's list aren't on  mine. Anyway, it has got me thinking about how many of my favorite things have changed in the past, oh, 7 weeks and 5 days.

The rules:
1. Write for only five minutes. Don’t edit. Don’t over think. Don’t stifle your creativity.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Go leave some comment love for the five minuter
who linked up before you.


For so many years, my favorite things have definitely included the slow beginning of spring. When I lived in the balmy south Mississippi, it was the highlight of February. (Again, BALMY south Mississippi.) Once I moved all the way to north Mississippi, it became the highlight of March. I love seeing the first blooms on trees, the very first leaves opening in a sort of golden light green. It's just amazing how early these blooms begin...and how long it takes for everything to turn truly spring green.


This year, I've been preoccupied. I've been busy watching another being unfold, grow, and become "green." It's truly amazing how early it starts, how little time it takes for a person to grow up. To go from needing every little thing to being able to need less and less. How little time a newborn is a true newborn. My daughter is almost 8 weeks old. And in those very short 8 weeks, I have already bemoaned the loss of her newborn wardrobe. I have already watched in amazement as she begins to smile, coo, and laugh. I have already watched her grow from a newborn who sleeps most of the day to an infant who wants to be entertained. I am loving every single second of this new adventure!

Even if I am missing the start of spring and the old friends who I used to long for.



The Farmer Files said...

Visiting you from 5min Fridays. Drink up your days. I bemoaned the end of the newborn stage with my third. He is 18m now. Every time he graduated a diaper size it was bittersweet.

Sharone said...

Beautiful! I can feel the slow rhythm of spring as I read your your words. :) From what I hear, the days with young kids go by faster and faster. I'm glad you have the chance to stop and appreciate that rhythm too. :)

Erika said...

Oh yes! Don't miss a moment. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing!

*stopping in from 5 minute Fridays!

Emily said...

Beautiful. My son is nearly 2 now... I can't believe how fast those first few months go.