May 20, 2011

When Seasons Change...

Fridays just seem to appear out of nowhere these days! Maybe part of that is from the very little sleep I've been running on. :) Linking up with Lisa-Jo!

Anywho, if you have the inkling to join me, remember: five minutes writing, no editing, just creativity! Today will be extra fun because I'm using my little sister's itty bitty computer.


15 weeks ago, it was most definitely winter. Early February, dead, bare branches and brown grass. Then, she was born. In the midst of winter, my little blossom was born. The Friday after her birth, the last snow of our Southern winter fell.

Somehow, winter became spring. In the blink of an eye, there was green grass, blooming trees, and sunny days. She started wearing short sleeves, and I started leaving the socks off of her feet. She started smiling, laughing, and cooing just as the spring slowly came.

She is almost four months now, and the summer is starting. She knows us now, and even far away from her Daddy, she misses him. She got scared last night, screaming and wailing, and she wouldn't let go of me when I finally came to get her. Summer looks better than the spring.


Yeah...this little keyboard definitely didn't help. I kept having to stop and rewrite because suddenly words were being typed in the middle of other words. :) Oh well. Minor inconvenience on a very special weekend. My little sister is graduating high school! Congratulations, Sarah! I'm so proud of you!


Carrien Blue said...

I loved this. "In the midst of winter, my little blossom was born."

Anonymous said...

My youngest was born in February, and I remember how the season changed! Seems like I watched every minute happen from my rocking chair with the baby in my lap. Enjoy it! Savor it! Gifts from heaven. : )

Monika said...

I'm also doing the five-minute Friday posts. What a great post you have...and congratulations...belatedly, I know....on the birth of your daughter! What a way to welcome Spring! :-) Oh, and congrats to your sister on graduation!